Monday, September 04, 2006

9-03-06 Labor Day Weekend

We had a good crowd this week - especially considering the fact that it was Labor Day weekend. In this case, rain probably helped us more than hurt us! I haven't checked the official numbers, but we were around 65 or so in the worship service.

This week was all about KEYS. God made each one of us unique - just like locks on doors - and he has designed a key to open up our lives. There are four teeth on the key which will put the tumblers in place:
  1. VALUE - You matter to God
  2. SIN - You are separated from God
  3. RIGHTEOUSNESS - You can't fix that, but Jesus can
  4. TRUTH - You have to accept that what the Bible says about him (and everything else!) is true
Next week, we begin the teaching series on "Breaking the Cycle" from the book of Titus.

We had a missionary, Robin Brooks, with us. She is going to New Zealand, and she presented her ministry in the Sunday School hour.

In the evening, Nichole and I went to Crossroads Baptist Church in Pelham, NH, for an ordination. Crossroads was started in 2001, and they are now birthing a baby church in Haverhill, MA. We ordained Eric Craven (Crossroads Associate Pastor) as the new pastor of the church, called New Heights Community Baptist Church. I'm excited about seeing this church, as well as The Dialogue (which will be in Manchester) getting started!


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