Monday, October 30, 2006

10-29-06 Words

It has been awhile since we've posted an update to the blog. A lot has happened since.
  1. God provided through some interesting "coincidences", covering our operating expenses to date. This is a huge blessing because we were running incredibly far behind.
  2. Our church grew by one - one of our church families had their second daughter. It is so cool to watch new life absorbing everything.
The past two weeks, we have averaged 77 in morning worship, which pretty much maxes us out. We're not in the business of turning people away, so if this continues, we will be looking at two services again. I think that we might go that way next year, maybe in February. There are some personnel issues, but I think it is going to be necessary if we want to accomodate those who are coming. What a great challenge to have.

We started a series entitled "Words", looking at Jesus as a person and a teacher - trying to strip away all the extras and theologians and stuff. What is more important? What we teach ABOUT Jesus or what Jesus said about US?


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